Month: March 2014
How Do Babies Get Milk Out of Breasts?
Babies suck.
China’s Disastrous One-Child Policy
China’s one-child policy created a generation of “little emperors,” an inversion of the age pyramid, and skewed gender ratios.
Suppress Your Horrible Childhood Memories
Go ahead and suppress all those horrible childhood memories you have of being bullied on the playground or accidentally walking in on your parents. It might just work.
Diagnosing Infections with Sunlight & an iPhone
A very clever invention!
30,000-Year-Old Virus Revived, Infects Amoeba
After poking around in the Siberian permafrost, a team of French and Russian scientists have reported the discovery of a third giant amoeba-infecting virus.
Do Catholics Think I’m a Nazi?
Godwin’s Law ought to be enshrined next to Newton’s Laws or Kepler’s Laws for all posterity.