Past Speaking Events

alex berezow

Quantic School of Business and Technology
“The Ethical and Societal Implications of AI: From Art to Creepiness”
March 28, 2023
(See the presentation.)

University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Student Center
“How Not to Write for a Popular Audience”
February 9, 2022

Dartmouth College
Physics & Astronomy Public Lecture
“How to Debunk Misinformation and Junk Science”
October 5, 2021

Alliance for Risk Assessment
Workshop XII
“Debunking Junk Risk Assessment Science”
February 25, 2021

University of California-Berkeley
CLEAR Seminar
“Debunking Junk Science”
January 28, 2021

University of Washington
INFO 270 Data Reasoning in a Digital World
“Debunking Junk Science”
October 30, 2019

American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Conversations on Cleaning
“Fighting Fear with Facts: Addressing the Issue and Impact of Chemophobia Among Consumers”
October 23, 2019

9th European Beer & Health Symposium
“Don’t Fear the Beer (or Say ‘Nein’ to Wine)”
September 24, 2019
(See the presentation.)

Brain Bar
“Bye-Bye, Blue Planet?”
June 1, 2018

University of Lausanne
Perspectives in Cancer Prevention
“Science Communication in an Age of Fake News”
September 13, 2017 (Lausanne, Switzerland)

National Press Club
ACSH Book Release and Discussion: “Is Truth Still Relevant? In Science, As In Politics, It is Hard to Tell”
June 29, 2017 (Washington, DC)

Breakthrough Dialogue: Democracy in the Anthropocene
“Science of Communication”
June 22, 2017 (Sausalito, CA)

University of Texas-San Antonio
South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Disease (STCEID) Seminar Series
“Science Communication in an Age of Fake News”
February 17, 2017 (San Antonio, TX)

68th Annual Conference on World Affairs
April 4-6, 2016 (Boulder, CO)

“EU Sings Breaking Up is Hard to Do”
“Gamification and Innovative Teaching”
“Irreproducible Scientific Results”
“What Science Says About GMOs”
“The Anti-Scientific Left”
“The Two-Party System is Doomed”

Real Clear Conversation with Alex Berezow and Trevor Butterworth
September 16, 2015 (New York City, NY)

Real Clear Conversation with Alex Berezow and Trevor Butterworth
September 14, 2015 (Washington, DC)

Breakthrough Dialogue: The Good Anthropocene
“Is It Time to Give Up on GMOs?​”
June 22, 2015

University of Washington
Students for Evidence-Based Medicine & Policy
“How the Left and the Right Both Abuse Science to Push Ideologies”
January 30, 2015

Ada’s Technical Books
“Scientific Consensus on GMOs”
Sept. 22, 2014 (Seattle, WA)

Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
“Three-Parent Embryos”
2013 (Seattle, WA)

University Presbyterian Church
“Science and Politics”
2013 (Seattle, WA)

Bioscience Careers (University of Washington)
Feb. 7, 2013 (Seattle, WA)

Powell’s Books
“Science and Politics”
Nov. 15, 2012 (Portland, OR)

American Enterprise Institute
“Science and Politics”
2012 (Washington, DC)

Town Hall Seattle
“Science and Politics”
2012 (Seattle, WA)

Washington Policy Center
9th Annual Environmental Policy Conference
“Science, Politics, and the Media”
2011 (Seattle, WA)

Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
2011 (Seattle, WA)

Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
“Biowarfare and Bioterrorism”
2009 (Federal Way, WA)