Month: August 2015
Great Theologian Quotes on Science
Theologians past and present have found science to be illuminating rather than threatening, undermining the widespread notion of a “war” between science and religion.
Punish and Reform the EPA
EPA says it focuses on environmental protection. The Animas River disaster shows that it is more concerned with protecting itself.
Simple Robots Evolve to Become Cooperative
Robots that were programmed only with basic primal instincts and genetic mechanisms, over time and in the presence of selective pressure, evolved to cooperate.
‘Pro-Science’ Democrats Reject Biotechnology
On the needlessly hot-button issue of genetic modification, Democrats sided with fearmongers and organic foodies, while Republicans sided with the medical and scientific mainstream.
The Oyster’s Gem: As the Pearl Turns
A pearl forms in response to tissue damage. But how?
Policies to Mitigate Climate Change Could Increase Global Hunger
All policies bear costs and unintended consequences.