Tag: Republicans
U.S. on Verge of Multi-Party System?
A major political realignment seems imminent.
Our Know-Nothing, Anti-Science, Anti-Intellectual Presidential Candidates
We will continue to get the government that we deserve.
‘Pro-Science’ Democrats Reject Biotechnology
On the needlessly hot-button issue of genetic modification, Democrats sided with fearmongers and organic foodies, while Republicans sided with the medical and scientific mainstream.
Phil Plait’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
This article was originally published on RealClearScience. The Apocalypse is here. Science writer Phil Plait’s worst nightmare came true. The Republicans won control of the U.S. Senate. What can we expect to happen? In Plait’s words, the Republicans will “put a cohort of science-deniers [sic] into positions of authority,” which “quite literally affects the future…
Politicians Throw Science Under the Bus
The latest international exams — which show that students from the U.S. rank 21st and 26th in science and math, respectively — once again confirm a pattern that emerged in 1964 with the First International Mathematics Study: Compared with their counterparts abroad, American kids are decidedly mediocre. Read the rest at USA Today.